Specialized wine importer, our businessis builtonmore than 25 yearsof experience in wineimporting anddistributionthroughouttheUnited States. Pardela Wines & Spirits USA–Representingadistinctive and diversewine portfoliofromDomainesFrancois Lurton,ourmission is todevelopanetwork ofmeaningfuland collaborativepartnerships across the UStoexpandtheculture,exposureand availabilityof ourLurton family owned, sustainable,&organicwines & spirits.
Averticalintegration that allows our customers a directline ofcontact with our wineries, strong reactivity,perfect management of our inventory,and control of ourdistribution. We represent the vineyards of Francois Lurton, 4thgenerationWinegrower andWinemaker committed to an ecological and environmental approach for over 30 years in France, Spain, and Argentina.
Trusting relationships.
“Our team is daily dedicated to creating unique partnerships andtrusting relationships with our distributors by providing active assistance in the field and an ever more attractive offer according to our customers’ needs.”
Vigneron de père en fils depuis 1897
Representing the 4thgeneration of the Bordeaux Lurton Family, François Lurton set up his own business in1988,firstly with his brother Jacques. Today he runs the company single–handedly : owns and produces wines in estates in four countries: Argentina (Alta Uco Valley, Mendoza) since 1996, Chile -(Colchagua Valley, Lolol) since 2000, France (Languedoc–Roussillon)since 2001 and Spain (Rueda/Castilla y Leon &Toro) since 2002.
All our wineries are organic certificated. Our vision is to craft unique, fresh, and tasty wines through organic farming, biodynamics, working horses, concrete vats, underground cellars, foudres, amphoras. Improving aromatic control vianatural and native yeasts, new barrels, sterile filtration, limited sulfites use… No more preventive treatments, anti–botrytis, insecticides…